I am no longer afraid to admit it, I’m an insane animal



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SETLIST! (each set is an hour)

Here’s a two-part set I did last week on the radio…It was a good one, a touch of psych and a pinch of folk blended into a mind-melting pre-christmas stone-out. There are a lot of gems in these sets.  I’ve been totally blown away by Jim Sullivan’s psych-folk album “U.F.O.” and a cut off of that is in here. Another album, and one that can be found easily, is the album “A Lovely Sight” by a group hitherto unknown named “Pisces”. It’s astonishing that an album as good as this could remain in absolute obscurity for almost 40 years until a recent re-issue. They possess all the juicy parts of The Jefferson Airplane with a slight Velvet Underground edge… I compel you to hunt down their album!

Oh, and I came across an album the other day by Bill Clint…A super depressing loner/downer folk album called “The Crying of a Generation”. I don’t have any problems with the music itself, it’s actually very good and melodic with  John Denver-esque vocals, but the subject matter is so goldarned sad that I have trouble listening to the entire album straight through. Point in case, listen to this track, “Angels Don’t Need Friends”, and tell me you don’t feel a slight twinge of sickness in your gut around the 8-minute mark when Bill Clint starts crying, really  starts crying! blubbering to be exact.  Seriously, that is some downer-folk, seriously.

Thanks for stopping by, Collin

Bill Clint / Angels Don’t Need Friends

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One Comment

  1. kelsi wrote:

    Bill Clint, that poor bastard.

    Saturday, January 2, 2010 at 9:19 pm | Permalink
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