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There is some good news on the ink mathematics front. First off, the college radio station where I DJ, KBGA, has at last re-acquired a device with which one can record their radio programs…and I have been diligently doing that for the last three shows. Second off, I am rededicated to my radio show and I have begun to unearth all sorts of new records that I hope to post up here one day. Third off, the weather here has already started cooling considerably (I saw snowflakes today, september 5th) and that means I will once again retreat to music and this website in order to maintain my sanity over the winter months. Now, for some music and some bullets:
- Bob Dylan played here last week and I decided to wander down and sit outside the fence. I could hear the music alright but I can’t say Bob’s voice is anything but downright haggard. I sat there and drank a milkshake for a couple songs and then a teenage kid walked up to me and asked me what high school I was in. I told him I wasn’t, but I wish I was. I biked on home.
- Saw a bear the other day while mountain biking in the Rattlesnake. So nice to see a bear…I’ve missed every one of them so far this year.
- Also, I heard what was probably a mountain lion scream the other night. This is the second time I’ve heard that terrifying scream.
- Spent a little too much time watching this Psychic TV video down below. Not only is the song and video all out sweet, but the lyrics are about Brian Jones, once a member of The Rolling Stones who died a mysterious death.
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