The Destruction of Takoma Park, Maryland, 20012

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The Destruction of Takoma Park, Maryland, 20012

Back cover to America


A few weeks ago at an employee dinner party my boss, Dave, lent me a few records. One of those records was John Fahey’s America, which is incredible, and I have been unable to listen to much of anything else since hearing it. John Fahey is a fingerstyle guitarist and his particular style is described as “american primitive”….which is apparently a term borrowed from painting and refers to the self-taught nature of his particular style of music. I find his music to be completely and totally mind-blowing and I am amazed that he is able to bring forth emotions in me that range from joy to sorrow with simply his solo guitar playing. There is something old and natural about his songs, as if they existed before he ever actually played them. Two of the tracks I have included in this mix, “Mark 1:15 and The Voice of The Turtle”, are 15 minute epics and represent the highlights and the majority of the album, “America”. Unfortunately “mark 1:15” has a few minutes cut off. Anyway, this is a fairly lengthy mix and I included some other tunes that I have been listening to a bit lately. Let me know what you think of these Fahey tracks.

It’s snowing here in Missoula and I just spent an hour shoveling in the dark with this mix on my headphones, it fit.

Bye, Collin

Oh, and here is an interesting article concerning John Fahey and his childhood home in Takoma Park, Maryland.

Artist / Album / Song

John Fahey / America / Mark 1:15

King Crimson / In The Court of the Crimson King / The Court of the Crimson King

The Pentangle / Basket of Light / Light Flight

Bert Jansch / A Rare Conundrum / Day Break

The Pentangle / Basket of Light / Train Song

John Fahey / America / The Voice of the Turtle

Frank Zappa / The Grand Wazoo / Blessed Relief


  1. Stephen wrote:

    You might care to visit my John Fahey pages. I’ve put up the full version of Mark 1:15 as a download, as well as the other stuff that didn’t make it onto CD.

    You’re right. America is one of his great works.

    Sunday, January 27, 2008 at 12:55 pm | Permalink
  2. RB wrote:

    Who Illustrated this?

    Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 8:12 am | Permalink
  3. Collin wrote:

    John Fahey did! It’s from the album artwork to “America”

    Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 8:34 am | Permalink
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