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Here is a mix that is part sun-soaked summer psychedelia, alt-country, organic drone folk-noise , doom-folk, Nature Psych, Outdoor Folk, and whatever other meaningless descriptors hippies can think of. Basically, this is a solid summer mix that just felt right when the sun was peaking into my room, ’nuff said…it’s got an easy-breezy sort of feeling along with some psychedelic warmth around the edges. I laid it on thick with 3 classic tracks from The Byrds that have been getting maximum air play in my room, along with some newer cuts from one of my favorite groups, The Skygreen Leopards. The Byrds made an incredible album called “The Notorious Byrd Brothers” that was the last they ever made before disbanding,that album served as a sort of guide for this compilation, or at the least it inspired me subconsciously. Ok Ok. bye. collin
The Skygreen Leopards / Jehovah Surrender / Jehovah I Surrender
The Byrds / The Notorious Byrd Brothers / Draft Morning
Them / Them Again / It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue
Giant Skyflower Band / Blood of the Sunworm / The Archangel (Hurray for the Beast)
The Monkees / HEAD / The Porpoise Song
The Byrds / The Notorious Byrd Brothers / Get to You
The Skygreen Leopards / Life and Love in the Sparrow’s Meadow / Mother, The Sun Makes Me Cry
The Byrds / Sweetheart of the Rodeo / You Don’t Miss Your Water
Vetiver / To Find Me Gone / Won’t Be me
Giant Skyflower Band / Blood and the Sunworm / Meditations on Christ and the Magi
C. O. B. / Spirit of Love / Wade in the Water
One Comment
Hey Coll-i-on-ey! Great mix! I’m just sorry that I am just now tuning in.
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